20 Fresh Ideas For Students Looking For Argument Essays Topics

Argument essay topics can be interesting to write about. There are concerns and issues people often argue about on a regular basis. Yet, ideas for an essay of this nature can involve more complex concepts that deserve further analysis. Coming up with an idea may take time as it depends on your assignment guidelines.

Fortunately, there is a list of ideas to consider that may help you develop your own topic. Here are 20 potential ideas for an argument essay paper.

  1. Consuming junk food is better than eating nothing at all. An argument essay can compare pros and cons of having more or less junk food in your diet.
  2. Friends you should not have on social media. What type of people should a person not be friends with on social media?
  3. Mismanagement of money often leads to bankruptcy. An argument essay can look into reasons why mismanagement of money commonly leads to a bankruptcy filing.
  4. Living on college campus should be mandatory. Should college students be required to live on campus and who should cover the cost?
  5. Actors should not be allowed to obtain plastic surgery. Why should an actor have to change their appearance permanently to get more roles?
  6. Beauty contests should be banned. Is this type of contest a form of discrimination?
  7. Newspapers should not be printed anymore. The sale of newspapers continues to decline so why are they still available?
  8. Promoting diet products should not be allowed. An argument essay may look into reasons why diet plans exist and whether they really help people lose weight.
  9. Boys and girls should not go to school together.
  10. Advertisements with sexual content should not be aired on television.
  11. Parents should be required parenting classes when their child is born.
  12. Women should not have the option to get an abortion.
  13. Women are smarter than men. An argument essay can compare characteristics of men and women to prove the argument or claim.
  14. Attending college should be mandatory.
  15. Guns should be banned all around the world.
  16. People should not be allowed to access the internet while at work.
  17. Laughing can help improve your mood.
  18. Everyone should have to recycle.
  19. A person should reach a certain age to own a business.
  20. the minimum drinking age should be 18.